Complete Audiological Evaluation in adults and children (tone and speech audiometry, tympanometry, determination of sound reflexes, eustachian tube check)
Audiological evaluation is an important examination, which helps to identify diseases of the outer, middle and inner ear, as well as to determine their extent. A complete audiological examination is an important means of diagnosing hearing loss. Hearing loss affects both older and younger people people, posing obstacles in their daily life. Hearing evaluation can be carried out by several different methods. Taking the patient’s history, clinical examination with an otoscope or microscope, and a complete audiological examination are the three basic foundations to diagnose and treat in time a large number of diseases of the auditory system.
Τone and speech audiometry
The hearing tests that ENT Surgeon in Athens Dr. Olga Papadopoulou performs include tone and speech audiometry, which determine the extent of the hearing loss, as well as the type of hearing loss the patient suffers from. This particular test measures hearing ability and is carried out in a specially designed sound-proof booth, so that the results of the test are as accurate as possible. There is tonal and speech audiometry. Tone audiometry aims to determine the patient’s ability to perceive pure tones of various frequencies. Speech audiometry determines the patient’s ability to process speech signals, i.e. the degree to which he is able to distinguish the words he hears.
Tone and speech audiometry is performed while the patient wears special headphones through which sound stimuli are delivered, using a special machine called an Audiograph. The results are then recorded and displayed on the audiogram curve. The information provided by this curve helps to diagnose the extent of the hearing loss, the location of the damage and the appropriate treatment method.
Complete audiological evaluation with tympanometry
The complete audiological evaluation also includes the diagnostic method of tympanometry. This particular examination is carried out through a special device called a tympanograph and by placing a special plug in the patient’s ear. Through this specific examination, the condition and functionality of the middle ear and consequently of the eardrum are thoroughly examined along with the elasticity of the tympanic membrane. It is investigated whether there is a hole in the eardrum, or whether fluid or otosclerosis is found in the ear cavity.
Determination of sound reflexes & eustachian tube check
In order to more thoroughly investigate the type and extent of hearing loss, the determination of auditory reflexes is indicated. With the use of the tympanograph, a sound stimulus of a specific frequency is administered, in order to induce a reflex contraction of the afferent muscle of both ears. Through this reaction, the existence of damage to the auditory pathway, the auditory nerve and the personal nerve is determined. At the same time, the function of the eustachian tube is checked to diagnose diseases such as otitis.
The complete audiological evaluation in adults and children is carried out in the clinic using the most modern equipment. The tests it includes are painless, quick and aid the diagnosis and early treatment of diseases related to hearing. At the same time, it allows the identification of medical issues that need to be investigated to a greater extent and addressed appropriately.